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GP Lens Care and Patient Education (SCD)

You are accessing a expired course. Please contact support to switch the course. Brief Course Description GP Lens Care and Patient Education The ability to care for and handle rigid gas-permeable (GP) contact lenses properly depends on several factors. First, the patient must be provided with several methods of insertion and removal, and proficiency in … Continued

The Contact Lens Dispensary OHIO SCD exp 12/31/2018

You are accessing a expired course. Please contact support to switch the course. A contact lens dispensary requires proper set-up, staffing and maintenance. Set up and layout facilitate patient flow and offer comfort and privacy. All staff members need to make a patient feel welcome, whether the staff member is directly or indirectly involved in … Continued

Anatomical Structures and Soft Contact Lenses (Active)

Anatomical Structures and Soft Contact Lenses Author: Debra Bennett, ABOC, NCLE-AC Debra Bennett has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. The content and format of this course is presented without commercial bias and does not claim superiority of any commercial product or service. Course Description An excellent eye care professional (ECP) has knowledge of the … Continued

Soft Contact Lenses: Best Practices (Active)

Soft Contact Lenses: Best Practices Author: Debbi Bennett, ABOC, NCLE-AC Debra Bennett has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. The content and format of this course is presented without commercial bias and does not claim superiority of any commercial product or service. Course Description The optician who works with contact lens patients will be called … Continued