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Prefixes A- A lack of, not, without (ametropia) Ab- Away from (abduction) Ad- Toward (adduction) Aden/o- Pertaining to a gland (adenovirus) An- A lack of, without (anemia) Aniso- Unequal (anisocoria) Ante- Before, in front of (anterior) Anti- Against, opposite of, preventing (anti-reflective) Bi- Two, double (binocular) Bleph- Pertaining to the eyelids (blepharitis) Carcin- Cancerous (carcinoma) Cephal- Pertaining to the head (cephalalgia) Cerebr/o- Pertaining to the brain (cerebral cortex) Chrom- Color (chromatic) Cili/o- Pertaining to the eyelashes (cilia) Circum- Around (circumference) Contra- Against (contraindication) Crani/o- Pertaining to the skull (cranium) Cutane- Skin (cutaneous) Cyclo- Pertaining to the ciliary body (cyclodialysis) Cyst- Bladder, cyst, or sac (cystinosis_ Cyto- Cell (cytology) Dacry/o- Pertaining to the lacrimal system/tears (dacryoadenitis) Derm- Skin (dermatology) Dextr/o- Right side (oculus dexter) Di- Two, double (diplopia) Dif- Apart, separation (diffusion) Dys- Bad, difficult, abnormal (dyscoria) Ecto- Outside, external, outward (ectropion) En- Inner, internal, inward (entropion) Endo- Inner, inside (endothelium) Epi- Upon, outer (epithelium) Exo- Out, outward (exotropia) Extra- Outside, beyond (extraocular) Faci- Pertaining to the face (facial) Glauc/o- Gray/opaque (glaucoma) Hema/o- Blood (hemorrhage) Hemi- Half, partial (hemisphere) Hetero- Different, other (heterochromia) Hist/o- Tissue (histology) Homeo- Sameness, similarity (homeostasis) Hydr/o- Water (hydrops) Hyper- High, above, excessive (hypertropia) Hypo- Below, under, (hypotropia) In- In, lack (inflammation) Infra- Below (infraorbital) Inter- Between (interpalpebral) Intra- Within (intraocular) Irid/o- Pertaining to the iris (iridectomy) Kerat/o- Pertaining to the cornea (keratoconus) Lacrim/o- Tears (lacrimal) Later/o- Side of something (lateral) Macr/o- Large, long (macropsia) Mega/lo Enlargement, great (megalocornea) Micr/o- Small (microcornea) Mono- One, single (monocular) Neo- New (neovascularization) Neuro- Pertaining to nerves (neuroreceptors) Ocul- Pertaining to the eye (ocular) Ophthalm/o- Pertaining to the eye (ophthalmology) Optic/o- Eye, vision (optician) Orth/o- Straight, correct (orthoptist) Palpebr- Pertaining to the eyelid (palpebral fissure) Papill- Nipple like elevation (papillitis) Para- Alongside of, beside (paraoptometric) Patho/o- Disease (pathology) Peri- Around, surrounding (periorbital) Phaco- Pertaining to the lens (phacoemulsification) Pharmac- Drug, medication (pharmacology) Photo- Light (photochromic) Poly- Many (polycarbonate) Post- After (postoperative) Pre- Before (preoperative) Presby- Old age (presbyopia) Pseud- False, fake (pseudophakia) Retro- Backward, behind (retrobulbar) Scler/o- Pertaining to the sclera (scleritis) Semi- One half, partially (semilunar) Sub- Underneath, lower (subconjunctival) Super- Above, excessive (superior) Supra- Above, over (supraorbital) Sym- Together, with (symptom) Syn- Together, with (synechiae) Therap- Treatment (therapy) Top/o- Place, local (topical) Trans- Across, through (transfusion) Tri- Three (triage) Trich- Pertaining to hair (trichiasis) Ultra- Beyond, excessive (ultraviolet) Uni- One (uniocular) Suffixes -algia Pain (keratalgia) -cide/al Killing, destroying (germicide) -coria Pertaining to the pupil (anisocoria) -crine To secrete (endocrine) -ectasia Dilation, expansion (keratoectasia) -ectomy Removal, excision (iridectomy) -edema Swelling (macular edema) -emia Blood (hyperemia) -iasis Condition (mydriasis) -ism Condition, disease (astigmatism) -ist One who specializes in (optometrist) -itis Inflammation (keratitis) -logist Individual who studies a certain field (ophthalmologist) -logy Academic study or practice of (ophthalmology) -lysis Destruction, separation (hemolysis) -malacia Softening (keratomalacia) -meter To measure (lensometer) -metry Process of measuring (optometry) -oma Tumor (retinoblastoma) -opia Visual conditions (hyperopia) -opsia Visual experiences (hemianopsia) -opsy Procedure or examination (biopsy) -pathy Disease or disorder (retinopathy) -phil/ia/ic Attraction for (hydrophilic) -phobia/c Fear of (hydrophobic) -phoria A tendency to turn (esophoria) -plasty Surgery repair (blepharoplasty) -plegia Paralysis (cycloplegia) -ptosis Falling, drooping (ptosis) -scope Instrument for viewing (retinoscope) -scopy Process of viewing (retinoscopy) -sis Condition (diagnosis) -spasm Involuntary contraction or muscular twitching (blepharospasm) -trophy Development, growth (hypertrophy) -tropia Definite turn (esotropia) Here are two examples of combining a prefix and a suffix together: bleph- and -ptosis = blepharoptosis Blepharoptosis is the drooping of the upper eyelid. kerat/o- and -pathy = keratopathy Keratopathy is the disease of the cornea. Terms to Designate Location When Discussing the Eye Anterior Toward the front or forward Posterior Toward the back or backward Lateral Toward the outer or side Medial Toward the inner or middle Superior Above or toward the upper part Inferior Below or toward the lower part Proximal Nearest to a reference point or center Distal Farthest away from a reference point or center Nasal/Canthal Toward the nose Temporal Toward the temple Internal On or to the inside External To or on the outside Hyper- Indicates a position above Hypo- Indicates a position below Eso- Indicates a position inward Exo- Indicates a position outward

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