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Opthalmic Frames
Final Fitting

A proper frame adjustment is one of the most important aspects of optical dispensing. A poorly fit frame will result in an unhappy patient. Not only is it likely to cause discomfort, but in cases of stronger powers or high astigmatic corrections may even alter the prescription. Although frame adjusting is a skill which needs to be acquired through experience, there are certain basic principles which can be learned and applied almost immediately and we will cover those here.

The Fitting Triangle

A well fit frame will come into physical contact with the wearer at only three points, namely the bridge of the nose, and on the side of the head behind each ear. These three points form a triangle known as the fitting triangle as illustrated above. The temples should never touch the patient on the side of the head before reaching the ears. Should this occur, it creates a constant tendency for the frame to slip forward resulting in additional pressure on the nose and behind the ears often causing soreness. Also, great care should be taken to insure the temple tips do not touch the sensitive cartilage behind the ear. The frame is held on as the result of friction on the side of the head behind the ears due to a slight pressure.

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