Orthokeratology and Myopia Control
Debra Bennett
Debra Bennett has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. The content and format of this course is presented without commercial bias and does not claim superiority of any commercial product or service.
Course Description
Orthokeratology and myopia control are dynamic parts of the contact lens industry due to advances in lens design. The research into and the availability of ocular drugs that delay myopic progression have renewed interest in the field. Higher amounts of myopia can be treated with the newer lens designs and materials available.
This course will update an ECP with the latest research, treatments and contact lenses used for ortho-k and myopia control. The course finishes with practical recommendations for testing, fitting and patient care.
Course Objectives
- Recall the anatomy, progression and effects related to myopia
- Identify the various treatments for myopia progression
- Compare the modern orth-k contact lens designs
- Demonstrate the ability to advise patients and parents about ortho-k and myopia control methods
- Recognize which tests and procedures are helpful in working with these methods
Course Assessment
There is a 40-question test at the end of the course. A successful passing score of 80% is required on all ABO-NLCE continuing education courses in order to earn the designated number of credits. You will know your grade instantly after completing the course.