Industrial Safety Eyewear Part 2
Author: Debra Bennett, ABOC, NCLE-AC
Debra Bennett has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. The content and format of this course is presented without commercial bias and does not claim superiority of any commercial product or service.
Course Description
This course will guide both the experienced and new eye care professional (ECP) in fitting industrial safety eyewear as recommended by OSHA requirements, plus classifying the types of protective devices to be utilized. The course first covers specific fitting and maintenance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), with an emphasis on devices for the protection of the eye. Specific OSHA requirements are identified. A set of frequently asked questions makes recommendations or distinctions in equipment choice. This course concludes with a glossary. While the course is technically part two of two parts, it can stand alone.
Course Objectives
- Increased recall of fitting industrial safety eyewear
- Recognize OSHA categories and classifications
- Determine types of protective devices with an emphasis on protection of the eye
- Summarizing certain OSHA classification sections
- Determine the equipment recommended
- Recognize definitions using the basic glossary
Course Assessment
There is a 40-question test at the end of the course. A successful passing score of 80% is required on all ABO-NLCE continuing education courses in order to earn the designated number of credits. You will know your grade instantly after completing the course.