Exploring Ocular Anatomy and Visual Conditions
Author: Brianna Cuenca, ABO-AC, NCLEC
Co-Author: Debbi Bennett, ABOC, NCLE-AC
Brianna Cuenca and Debra Bennett have no relevant financial relationships to disclose. The content and format of this course is presented without commercial bias and do not claim superiority of any commercial product or service.
Course Description
This course explores the anatomy and physiology of the eye, common ocular conditions, and refractive errors, equipping eye care professionals with the knowledge needed to provide exceptional vision care. Topics discussed include how the eye functions to produce sight, understanding how ocular conditions affect vision, and interpreting the optical cross. Mixing theory and practice, this course prepares the eye care professional to enhance a patient’s vision and experience.
Course Objectives
- Identify the anatomical structures of the eye
- Describe the visual pathway and process
- Compare different refractive errors
- Analyze common ocular conditions and their impact on vision
- Demonstrate the ability to interpret a prescription utilizing the optical cross
- Identify which ametropia is present utilizing the optical cross
Course Assessment
There is a 40-question test at the end of the course. A successful passing score of 80% is required on all ABO-NCLE continuing education courses in order to earn the designated number of credits. You will know your grade instantly after completing the course.